How to cancel Loot Crate?

Fans and creators love to express their adoration for geek culture, technology, and video games. That’s why they work with these kinds of companies, to bring the population closer to pop culture. However, you may have to cancel Loot Crate.

Each customer will have their point of view and reasons to stop receiving the benefit. Therefore, within this article, you will get the way to solve all your unknowns.

Loot Crate: Time to cancel your subscription to the company?

The decision to cancel the subscription is up to the user. However, depending on the plan you enjoy, the procedure will vary only in one small detail, the method of cancellation and the type of subscription.

Must cancel self-renewing memberships before the end of the month of the subscription period. It is best to do the process two days before to avoid problems or inconveniences with the server.

Reasons why you should cancel Loot Crate services

As mentioned above, each argument is valid. However, it is worth considering the many benefits of canceling the subscription to the company, such as:

  • Less hassle due to dissatisfaction with the products
  • No more delivery delays
  • Saving the investment of extra money that can become an emergency fund

Know the available alternatives to cancel your subscription.

There are several service options and, therefore, several methods to cancel users’ subscriptions. Always remember to use the one that suits your needs.

Cancel by going in person to the company’s premises

If you are in a location that includes one of the company’s headquarters, it is possible to go there. Inside the offices, by speaking to one of the agents, you should ask about the cancellation process and make your request.

As a protocol measure, they will provide you with a form to fill in with your data, reasons for the process, and membership information. In concrete terms, they will ask you for:

  • Name and Surname of the user
  • Telephone contact number
  • Reason for cancellation
  • Username and password
  • Email address
  • Billing information
  • Last digits of the card used for the subscription
  • Billing record of payment from previous months

Once you submit the form, the agent will take care of the rest. As soon as the process is finished, they will confirm the cancellation of your Loot Crate subscription without any problem.

Canceling your subscription by mail

One of the simplest alternatives used by users. You must write an email expressing your cancellation request to the company’s executive team. You will expose your reasons for stopping enjoying the service and send it to the support email.

You should note that you will have to continuously check your email address, including the “Spam” folder. The response and confirmation time usually takes between 48 and 72 hours. If you have problems, you will need to contact an agent immediately.

Cancel within the official website

You will need to log in to the official Loot Crate website to cancel the subscription. When the window opens and logs in

login loot crate

Go to the “Payment options” section, then “Cancel the subscriptions.” You will have to provide all the information requested to speed up the cancellation process. In addition, you will have to pay attention to the confirmation code you will receive.

To corroborate that the process was successful, you will have to check your account status again. There you will only have to verify that the contract is not being auto-debited, so you can be sure that the service continues or not.