How to cancel Paramount Plus subscription?

If you are a streaming fan and constantly looking for the best life or recorded multimedia content, but you no longer like Paramount Plus, there is a solution for you! Below, we’ll show you how to cancel your subscription on the platform. It’s quick and easy.

Cancel your Paramount Plus subscription like this!

To cancel your Paramount Plus subscription, you must first log in to the official website.

paramount plus login

Locate the “Account” option in the upper-right corner of the screen, specifically in a drop-down menu. There, enter your username and password.

When you are inside your account, look for the “Unsubscribe” option and click. You will then be asked if you are sure about the action. Select “Yes” and continue.

The next thing is to place why you are unsubscribing from the platform. Please select one of the options, and that’s it. By this time, you will completely cancel your subscription. It is important to note that if you have paid for a month and it has not yet expired, you will be able to continue watching the content until the end of the period.

Delete your Paramount Plus account on Amazon

In case you have obtained your account through Amazon Fire TV, you need to cancel the subscription on the official website. Upon logging in, locate the login option and put in your username and password.

account list amazon

Find the “Memberships and Subscriptions” option and click. You will see a list of all subscriptions; look for Paramount Plus. Select “Manage Subscription” > “Cancel Channel” > “Confirm” and that’s it!

Why cancel the subscription?

Paramount Plus has amazing streaming content. It is varied and very attractive. However, many decide to cancel the subscription because of the competition the platform has in the market.

Other platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, and others may be more interesting for some. And that’s not bad. There is an audience for everyone. We recommend you try them all until you decide which ones will be fixed to pay them monthly. Similarly, if you want to rejoin Paramount, you can do it in different ways.

The cancellation or subscription process is simple, so don’t give yourself a hard time. Try all your options and make your decision.