How to cancel Xperience Fitness membership?

Cancelling the Xperience Fitness membership is like cancelling any other subscription on the market. Currently, it is one of the most widely used, yet the process of cancelling this service is often unknown to many members.

Why decide to cancel the Xperience Fitness membership?

Generally speaking, each customer has reasons for going through the membership cancellation process. But, in most cases, it is to seek a break from the routine of their athletic life.

Or, failing that, seek to generate an additional savings fund by reducing expenses that you believe are unnecessary in the medium and long term. Remember that each argument is valid to carry out the process since you oversee your life.

Step by step: methods to cancel your membership

should clarify that it is not a complicated process. However, take into consideration that you will have to dedicate some of your time, have patience and make the certain decision that you are going to cancel your Xperience Fitness membership.

Cancelling your membership in the traditional way

If you are a fairly proactive person and have the availability, you can go to the gym you usually frequent. Once you are there, look for an agent who can answer your doubts and requests.

Be precise, ask what process you must follow and express your desire to cancel the membership to which you are subscribed. Then, the agent will provide you with a form you must fill out with various data to identify your subscription easily.

Finally, submit the form and be sure to follow the instructions given by the agent. To ensure the process has been completed successfully, you should ask the agent who attended to you.

Cancel your membership by phone call

If you are willing but do not have enough time to attend your gym, there is a contact directory on the official website. To find the gym you attend, you can search by your location or by the gyms you subscribe to.

Once you find the gym you are looking for, pull down the tab and dial the contact number on your phone. Immediately, you will be attended to by an agent, to whom you will have to express your cancellation request.

As the manager, you will be asked for personal and membership information directly on the call, quickly identifying the customer’s membership code. Follow the representative’s instructions and inquire about the success of the cancellation.

Cancel Xperience Fitness membership via email

With this email, you will be able to request mail. Within the minutes, you will have to express the cancellation request of your membership.

Within this process, you will have all the personal and membership information necessary to expedite the process. In addition, the response you will receive will be the same, confirming the success of the process as a backup, or failing that, call the agent.

Cancel your membership from the official website

Enter the official website and locate the option “Manage My Membership”.

select optionWhen you click, you will see the correct email address, phone number and other options where you must select “Cancel My Membership”.

manage membership xeperience

When you select the mentioned option, you will see two options where you can cancel your subscription or freeze it.

cancel option

Choose the one you consider, and that’s it! The process is simple.