How to cancel Xsolla subscription?

Within this segment, you will find all the answers you need to complete the process of cancelling your Xsolla subscription; that’s why you are here. Don’t worry; it is not a cumbersome procedure that will make you achieve your goal.

Why consider cancelling Xsolla?

As a customer who enjoys the business-only service, you will have one or more particular opinions. The reasons are diverse. Therefore, there are myriad reasons why you would want to cancel a subscription.

It is of utmost importance that you consider all the pros and cons of the decision you are going to make. Likewise, if you want to clarify your thoughts on the matter, you can organize a list of all the factors to consider. Some of these may include:

  • A way to save money efficiently by reducing expenses
  • If you have had a bad experience with the service, you will be able to stop suffering and paying for it
  • You will have the possibility to find and enjoy several alternative options in the market
  • The possibility to invest wisely in services that can balance your lifestyle with your economy

Cancelling your Xsolla subscription has never been so simple!

As you can imagine, the methodology of cancelling a subscription is very similar to the one used to sign up. So, it will not be an unfamiliar journey for the user or Internet user.

With all those mentioned above, and once you understand the decision to cancel the Xsolla subscription, you can start. You will only need some time, a mobile device or computer, and basic technology skills.

Making your cancellation request via email

Please write a message and send it to this email The process is simple but perhaps not the fastest of all.

There, you will have to express the cancellation request, the reason for it, and of course, your data and subscription to speed up the process of the agents. They will give you an answer as soon as possible and confirm their success.

Cancel your subscription thanks to an agent via phone call

f you have the availability to make a phone call; you can contact the executives through the contact number published on the official website. Then express your request for the company to help you with the cancellation process, and they will confirm the success of the cancellation.

How to cancel via the official Xsolla website

Go to the official website and log in.

xsolla login

In the options bar, look for “Publisher Account”, then click on “Project Settings”. Find the “Subscriptions” box and click on it. Immediately click on the cancel option, and you’re done!