How to cancel Ancestry subscription?

There may be many reasons why you decided to cancel your Ancestry subscription. Maybe you didn’t get the information you wanted, or you don’t find it very reliable. Whatever your reason for leaving, you should consider the following.

There are several actions you can take, including calling Ancestry customer service. But in this case, we’ll tell you how to unsubscribe directly on the Ancestry website.

Unsubscribe on the website

To cancel your subscription, you must first log in to the Ancestry website.

ancestry login There, log in with your username and password.

ancestry username

Once you are in, go to “My Account” and click “Subscription Details.”

When you click, you will see a box with options where you should click on “Cancel Subscription.” You must then confirm your account by verifying your username and password. By continuing, you will receive an eligible refund with some terms and conditions. However, the option is only valid if you cancel your subscription during the first seven days of the year.

If you cancel a trial subscription, you will suspend your Ancestry membership immediately. However, if you paid for a trial and are not eligible for a refund, you will cancel your subscription at the end of the period you paid.

After your Ancestry subscription is canceled, you will still be able to do the following

You have access to an account as a registered guest. Accounts are free and provide the user with several website resources they can use without any problems. These are:

  • Account access: even if you delete your subscription, you will not lose your registration. You can still log in to your account
  • Create a family tree: even after unsubscribing, you will still be able to see all the people you have previously added. You will also be able to see a tree that created before the cancellation of the subscription
  • Receive and send messages from other Ancestry users
  • See if you have new Ancestry suggestions with limited details
  • Search our databases free of charge

Resources you will not have access to

  • You will not have access to initiate new messages through the messaging center; you will only be able to reply to messages sent to you. If you have previously performed DNA tests, you will have the opportunity to initiate communication via new messages, with your DNA matches
  • View most of the records: you will be able to search the records, but unless they are free, you will have the opportunity to view them
  • You will not be able to view the records in your tree after your membership ends. Nor will you be able to access any records. However, those records will still be attached to the tree

If you ever have the same or a higher membership grade again, you will be able to access your created family tree. You will also see the information attached because Ancestry does not delete any trees you have created.