How to cancel DoorDash order?

DoorDash is the most popular food delivery company in the United States. People can locate the restaurant of their choice on the company’s app or website and place their order.

With ten years in the market, it has positioned itself better and better. However, it is very common that after placing an order, people want to cancel it. But, to do so, it is first necessary to know how to cancel them.

Is it possible to cancel a DoorDash order?

Before answering the question of how to cancel an order on DoorDash, it is necessary to know if it is possible to cancel it. Because not all platforms have such options, fortunately, on DoorDash, it is possible to cancel an order and get a refund, but for this, you must be at a certain stage of the processing and delivery process.

When the order is at a very advanced stage, although it is possible to cancel it, you cannot opt for a refund. In other words, you can always cancel an order on Reddit when it has not been delivered to the person who placed the order. But the cancellation will not always go hand in hand with a refund. More on this later.

What are the steps to follow to cancel an order on DoorDash?

Canceling an order at DoorDash can be done in two ways, electronically, as placed the order. One way, and perhaps the most popular, is through the app, and the second way is through the website.

Mobile application

The mobile app is one of the most convenient ways to cancel an order at DoorDash. To start, you must go to the “orders” tab and select the order. The button is positioned in the lower-right corner. Having entered the “Orders” tab, you should select the “Help” button in the upper-right corner.

In the window shown below, the “cancel order” option must be selected, being a third of the list of 4 options shown in that window. To finish canceling the order, you must follow the indications shown.

Web Page

The way to place the order through the web page is similar to the applications. To begin with, within the DoorDash page with the logged-in session, you must select the order you wish to cancel.

Once you have selected it, you should see another window with a “help” button in the right-hand section at the top. When you click on the button in the opened window, you should confirm the cancellation of the order.

How much of a refund will I receive for a canceled order?

One of the most common questions when we have to cancel an order in DoorDash, is whether we will receive a refund even though we canceled not exactly on time. There are four scenarios to give the right answer.

First, if the order is canceled when the restaurant has not completed the confirmation process, and the address has not been assigned to your order, you can receive a full refund. The restaurant is still in the process of processing your order.

The restaurant has not yet approved your order, but the address is already aware. It has taken your order as its responsibility; you get a partial refund, i.e., you do not get a full refund, but you do not get a full discount either.

You will still receive a partial refund when the delivery person has not been assigned, and the restaurant has confirmed the order. Finally, the only case where no refund money is received is when the restaurant has confirmed the order and the domiciliary has taken the work to deliver the order.

With the situation above, it is irrational to expect a refund, knowing that the restaurant is probably already placing the order and the domiciliary has stopped doing other activities to attend to the canceled order.