How to cancel Primerica Life Insurance subscription?

Insurance is essential in life, especially when you have the money to cover it. Now, if you don’t have enough funds, maybe it’s time to cancel Primerica Life Insurance because it will represent a very high income for your pocket.

You can cancel Primerica Life Insurance in the following way

Since this service aims at two types of users: policyholders and insurers, the processes will differ for both. Here we explain it.

For policyholders

The process begins by logging into the Primerica website. Once logged in, you must select the “Support” icon in the menu.

You will be provided with the email address and phone number where you can express your desire to unsubscribe from your services.

When communicating by any means, you will have to explain the reasons for canceling the subscription, and in return, they will do their due action so that next month your cancellation will be ready.

For Insurers

For underwriters, the process is different as they are Primerica Life Insurance employees. Your login will present different options, i.e., when you are in your profile, the menu bar will have a section that refers to services.

A box will appear that says “My Account,” and from this will derive another one that says “Unlimited Membership.” When you click on it, your account becomes like that of a policyholder, free of charge.

When can I cancel the subscription?

The company is very understanding in this area because it offers a period when you can cancel your contract or membership with them; that time consists of a maximum of 10 days.

But after this period, it can have consequences in your pocket since the cancellation can be made without refunding your money.

How much does a subscription cost at Primerica Life Insurance?

Primerica Life Insurance is focused on low-income families who want to apply for insurance or become agents. Therefore, underwriting is affordable. The monthly fee is about $25 to $28.

But it should be noted that there is an initial fee of $99, and you can add more dollars if you want a tool or additional instruction. Because of this, some users decide to unsubscribe.

Why do some people cancel Primerica Life Insurance?

The most notable reason is that Primerica Life Insurance only offers insurance packages through agents. The service they offer is half-term. In addition, some representatives of this company or their salesmen are not entirely reliable.