How to cancel Starz subscription?

Sometimes we acquire accounts from some platforms because they come in a package or out of impulsivity, but not because we are interested in the content it offers.

Maybe you have some of those unwanted channels that are included in a Starz package. If you want to unsubscribe from this account without affecting the others you purchased, you have opened the right article.

Have you purchased the Starz subscription through the website?

If this is the case, you can proceed to cancel your subscription by opening the official Starz website and logging in with your username and password.

Look for the “Subscription” option. Then select “Unsubscribe.” At this point, the page will expose you to a simple selection of the most frequent reasons for leaving the platform; you must select one.

At the end of this requirement, you will be presented with the option to continue unsubscribing. When the cancellation is consolidated, you will receive a message from Starz on your screen indicating that the procedure has been successful.

Have you purchased the Starz subscription through the App?

The Starz channel, despite starting its service only on TVs, created an app for cell phones with the vision of always being present for its users.

This can be obtained from the Play Store. So, if you subscribed that way, you can unsubscribe from the community by following these steps:

  1. Open the Play Store and locate the “Menu” icon
  2. Now, select the “Payments and Subscriptions” option
  3. When you enter, you will see the apps to which you are subscribed. Select Starz to see the cancellation option
  4. When you hit the cancel box, you will unsubscribe from the platform

What happens after I cancel the subscription?

It should be noted that your account will still be operational after you go through the unsubscribe procedure. This is because the cancellation will take effect from the cut-off date indicated when registering as your customer.

Also, it is because you should know that Starz offers a free seven-day package if you wish to evaluate what the platform has for you. Once you’ve unsubscribed, you’ll be able to review the programming again. It’s not a great option, though, so we don’t recommend it 100%.