How to make Two Column Notes Template【Download Free PDF】

Taking notes is one of the best ways to retain information for later study. We often find ourselves in a class or conference, and we need to learn how to take notes in an organized way to study them and summarize them the moment of understanding what has been written.

How to make Two Column Notes Template【Download Free PDF】

One of the most efficient techniques to control and transcribe what has been said by a professor or a lecturer is through the two-column notes, which are mainly used to store information, distinguishing different topics or questions with their respective descriptions or answers.

What is a two-column note?

Two-column notes allow you to pre-design a template for later editing. This method is widely used by students, teachers, and even doctors, to differentiate each patient’s personal information and, on the other hand, to describe their clinical history.

Each person or institution can create a template with two (or more) columns. They are instrumental and can be used in any professional field or require dividing information into two parts. After devising and finishing your template, you can save it to reuse it on different occasions.

How to create a two-column note template in Word?

Creating a two-column table template in Microsoft Word is easier than you think. You make the columns by going to the “Insert” tab at the top of the screen. Then choose the “Columns” option, and select the number of rows you intend to divide the text into (in this case, 2 columns), and you can type your notes in the corresponding box.

Another method to create columns from text is to select the text you want to split, go to the “Page Layout” tab, then to “Columns,” and click on “More Columns.” Then click on the “Line between” option to separate the two columns and make them independent, with a white space in the middle, as shown in the image below.

How to make Two Column Notes Template【Download Free PDF】

If you want to download two-column note templates, we leave you the link below, so you can get different templates for free and modify them as you wish.


How to split a table into two columns in Word?

If you want to split a table into two columns, you can do it by going to the “Insert”> “Table” section. Then select the number of rows and columns you want. You can do this from the table drawing that Word automatically displays up to 10 rows x 2 columns in the tab.

To create more rows and columns, click Insert > Table > “Insert Table” and select 2 for the columns (since we need to make a Two Column Notes Template) and then enter the number of rows you want. Click “OK,” and your table will appear in Word.

How to create a table with Cornell notes format?

To split a column into several rows but leave the other row completely blank, you must create the table, as explained above, and place the mouse on the top line of the right column until a down arrow is displayed. Click, and the entire column will be selected and grayed out.

Now, press the right mouse button and click “Merge cells.” That’s it! You currently have your two-column memo table so that you can annotate and compile all the information without missing any details.

How to change table properties?

When you insert a table, columns and rows have the same width and height, according to Word settings. To change this, you should right-click on the first column and select “Table properties.”

If you want the right column to be wider, click on the “Columns” tab, select the “preferred width” option, and you will be able to enter the width of the table. It will allow you to adjust each column, as the left column is usually the widest since that is where all the most important annotations go.

For example, you can enter 2.4 preferred widths and click “Next column >.” Next, insert the size of the right column, which is the widest. You can set, for example, 5.5. You can also change the row height. To do this, go to the next tab (“Row”) and click “Specify height.” There you can set, for example, 0.25, and, under row height, select “Exact” and finally accept.

What are Cornell’s notes?

One of the best ways to take notes is through Cornell notes, famous for the benefits it gives students or professionals to divide different information in a structured way.

This table allows you to separate the information into three boxes: two parallel and one at the end. In the one on the left side, the keywords are written. In the one on the right side, explain the main ideas about what was written on the right. Finally, a summary of what was learned is placed in the bottom section.

How to make Two Column Notes Template【Download Free PDF】

In short, Cornell’s notes can be divided into three parts, as shown in the image above:

  1. Reference column: keywords, specific facts, questions, and definitions are noted in this section.
  2. Notes column: In the right column, you should write down all the notes, main ideas, answers, and data of full relevance.
  3. Summary: In the row below the two columns, a summary and a quick explanation of what was understood during the class or the different important points to highlight what was said in a lecture.

You can access this link if you want to know how to take notes according to the Cornell model, one of the most effective ways for students and professionals.
