Interested in a banking career? Chartered Banker status is the professional seal of approval for your banking knowledge and abilities. Here’s more…
What is Chartered Banker status?
Chartered Banker status is a globally recognised professional qualification for professionals working in the banking industry. It’s administered by the Chartered Banker Institute – the only professional banking institute in the UK. Established in 1875, they work to promote and maintain ethical and professional standards and high levels of knowledge in banking practice.
Chartered Banker (CB) is a qualification earned by successfully passing a number of exams. It demonstrates that an individual possesses the right level of knowledge and fully understands the ethical and professional standards concerned practising as a banker in the UK. Membership with the Institute can be granted once all necessary exams are passed.
What will it involve?
You’ll have to study for the Chartered Banker Diploma to achieve Chartered Banker status.
The qualification consists of five exams: one compulsory exam in ‘Professionalism, Ethics and Regulation’, a module in Credit/Lending and three other modules of your choice covering subjects such as Risk Management, Retail Banking and Banking for High Net Worth Individuals.
Depending on your level of experience, you may take other qualifications offered by the Institute designed to build up your knowledge and skills before you progress to the Chartered Banker Diploma.
Many people study for this qualification alongside full-time work, and their employer will pay for their exam fees in some instances. You could choose to fund studies yourself if you aren’t currently in a job that has the option to provide funding. However, each exam does cost £995.
You’ll usually have to have obtained a degree or have gathered some relevant experience in order to move towards full Chartered Banker study, but other qualifications from the Institute such as the Professional Banker Certificate and the Professional Banker Diploma exist to help people fill in the gaps in their knowledge and eventually progress to the Chartered Banker Diploma.
What will it enable me to do?
Chartered Banker status could help along with career progression, as it could help your profile for applying for more senior jobs. As the industry concentrates on reform, qualifications that demonstrate commitment to high standards of ethics and professional standards are very appealing to employers.
For years I have studied American finance regulations. All the information in this blog is sourced from official or contrasted sources from reliable sites.
Salesforce Certified SALES & SERVICE Cloud Consultant in February 2020, Salesforce Certified Administrator (ADM-201), and Master degree in “Business Analytics & Big Data Strategy” with more than 13 years of experience in IT consulting.