How to cancel Experian subscription?

At some point in our lives, we may need help with our financial situation, and Experian was born out of this need. However, the help will not last forever, so if you need to do without the services offered by this company, we will help you to unsubscribe.

How long does Experian take to cancel your membership?

Unfortunately for the customer of this account, it is common knowledge that the cancellation of your subscription is a process that can take several months to process. In addition, the fee for the procedure can be around $30.

Can I cancel my subscription by call?

Customer service by the call is available to the user. You must dial 888-397-3742 to be attended by an automated operator, who will indicate several options. Select the one that refers to membership, and you will be referred to an Experian representative.

The caller will ask for your account, personal information, and reasons for terminating your membership. Provide all information and wait for verbal or email confirmation of membership cancellation.

How to unsubscribe via email?

Another way to contact Experian is through the company’s email address. The best thing to do would be to write to the following address:, with a formal request demanding the cancellation of your subscription.

In the mail, you can also explain the reason for your decision. To some extent, the means of communication will be maintained because, most likely, after registering your application, you will be referred to a telephone agent.

What happens after unsubscribing?

After unsubscribing, the customer is advised to check their bank account or Experian-affiliated credit card for any movement after their cut-off date. After the cut-off date, the charges will be void.

How much does Experian membership consist of?

Given this company’s services, your membership is for a medium to a long period. The advice they give to companies or individuals must go through a process of analysis and order. Therefore, their memberships are not available every month.

Does the company give refunds?

Some companies benefit from refunding your deposited money if the service provided was not to your liking. Unfortunately, Experian is not one of them. If you decide to cancel your subscription and want a refund, you will not get any positive response.

Do you have free trials?

If you are not sure how the services provided work, you have the option to explore them with a free trial for 30 working days. However, you must register a card to deduct the fee after that time.

If the services do not catch your attention, you must unlink the card before the 30-day trial period expires.