How to cancel Hotstar subscription?

Generally, we use various streaming services to entertain us in our free time. Hotstar is one of the great options, although perhaps not the best. Therefore, many new subscribers decide not to renew their membership and unsubscribe. Do you know how to do it? It’s easy!

Step by step to cancel HotStar through the official website

The platform consists of an official website where you can manage your accounts. Log in with your username and password.

Then, it would be best to go to the menu bar, usually located at the top. There you will find the “Membership” option; click on it. You should see a box that says “Cancel subscription” click on it and wait for Hotstar to confirm.

How to cancel the subscription through customer service?

If you require much faster service, you can call customer service at 833-212-2120; a Hotstar agent will answer your call.

The agent will ask for your account information after you express your desire to cancel your membership. Without cutting the call short, the agent will enter your request and proceed with the Cancellation. You will be given verbal or written confirmation when the process has been completed.

Do I need to deactivate Hotstar’s automatic renewal?

Yes. Pay close attention when canceling your subscription because you may have the auto-renewal option turned on. This will mean a charge to your credit card or bank account without authorization after the last membership’s cutoff date. Just click on “Deactivate,” and the problem is solved.

What is the term of the Cancellation?

The user has the advantage or benefit of continuing to enjoy the service and content offered by Hotstar until the end date of the membership.

If your cancellation process has already been processed and confirmed, your account will remain active if the membership expiration date has not yet arrived.

Does HotStar offer a refund?

The client has to consider that even if they cancel the Hotstar subscription because it was a service they did not require, the company will not be responsible for any refund.

Therefore, as soon as the Cancellation becomes effective, the next month’s charge will not be added, but the previous months will be void.

Is there a HotStar Free Trial?

On the other hand, if you haven’t really paid attention to Hotstar’s service and have already canceled, you can try to view your content through the platform’s free trial.

It consists of 30 working days to enjoy each feature without limitations; however, you must register an account or card number when you sign up.